Conditional Fetching

If you want to prevent a query from automatically running, you can use the skip parameter in a hook.

Skip example
const Pokemon = ({ name, skip }: { name: string; skip: boolean }) => {
const { data, error, status } = useGetPokemonByNameQuery(name, {
return (
{name} - {status}

When skip is true:

  • If the query has cached data:
    • The cached data will not be used on the initial load, and will ignore updates from any identical query until the skip condition is removed
    • The query will have a status of uninitialized
    • If skip: false is set after skipping the initial load, the cached result will be used
  • If the query does not have cached data:
    • The query will have a status of uninitialized
    • The query will not exist in the state when viewed with the dev tools
    • The query will not automatically fetch on mount
    • The query will not automatically run when additional components with the same query are added that do run
